Search Filters:
Search Term = It will search for a keyword in the ads (headline+copy) or landing pages. You can use quotes if you want to search for an exact phrase. For example, if you search for “black friday” (in quotes), it will search for ads that have that specific phrase, but not for example “friday black shoes”. If you don’t enter quotes, it will search for ads that have both the word black and friday, in any particular order.
Search in = If you select “Ads”, it will search for the keyword/term in just the ads. If you select “Landers”, it will search just in the landing pages. If you select “Everywhere”, it will search in both.
Creative type = You can limit to just videos or images (will return both by default).
Category = If you select a category, it will just show ads promoting offers in that specific category.
Pixel = Show just ads where the landing page has that specific Pixel ID.
Domain = Show ads where the landing page is hosted on that domain.
Ad status = You can select if you want to show ads that are running right now, or that have run in the past (by default, it will show both)
Min days running = Show ads that have been running for a minimum amount of days. So if you select 7, it will just show ads that have run for 7 days or more (they might be running at the moment or not).
Running (date range) = Narrow down ads ony running between specific dates
Sort Options
Last Seen = Show first ads seen more recently
Total Days Running = Show first those ads that have run the longest number of days
First Seen = Show first the ads seen first