Spy Hero Youtube

Spy Hero Youtube

Youtube video ads

4  articles in this collection
Written By Spy Hero Training 

How can I know the top offers that are working right now on Youtube?

There are a couple of places to check: First, you can check the Offers report (there you can narrow down by niche). On the first...

Written By Spy Hero Training
August 25, 2022

How can I know if a specific Youtube ad is running right now?

There are a couple of ways to know: 1) Our software will tell you the date when it was last seen, so if it says...

Written By Spy Hero Training
October 25, 2022

How to find Youtube ads that are working?

You can search on multiple places: One way is to check the reports and find Popular Channels and Affiliate IDs. For example, if your niche...

Written By Spy Hero Training
August 25, 2022

How can I find profitable ad placements (videos and channels) to play my ads?

You have a few ways to do this. One would be to search for competitor ads on the same niche. When you are browsing the...

Written By Spy Hero Training
August 25, 2022